MUSCAT: HH Baselios Marthoma Mathews III, Catholicos of the East, and Malankara Metropolitan, led the Vade Dalmino Liturgy, a service which symbolises the beginning of Holy Week on Monday morning at 5 am after night prayer following a procession.
The Catholicos of the East was accompanied by Mar Gregorios Orthodox Maha Edavaka (MGOME), Vicar/President Fr Varughese Tiju Ipe, Associate Vicar Fr Abey Chacko, Fr K G Thomas, Fr Baiju, Personal Secretary to His Holiness and the altar servers.
Vade Dalmino means ‘entrance into heaven’ and the liturgy is based on the parable of the ten virgins (Matthew 25:1). This liturgy is conducted after the second Kaumo after midnight prayers on the first day of the Passion Week.
The Catholicos led the liturgy inside the Church with prayers and songs. Before the reading of the Gospel the clergy in their vestments marched out of the Church in a procession through the northern door and reached the southern door which remain closed until after the Gospel reading. Once all of them reached the door step, the Gospel was read by His Holiness in his role as the chief celebrant for the Holy Week. The procession went inside the Church and with prayers the liturgy is closed.
On April 13, Wednesday, the Catholicos will lead the Pessaha Service followed by feet washing service on April 14 at 6 pm.